Biomin Calcium (5%) | Bioavailable Organic

Enhance fruit quality and yield with Biomin Calcium, a bioavailable plant nutrient that quickly corrects calcium deficiencies and promotes rapid leaf uptake and utilization.

From: $10.10

product description

Biomin Calcium is a highly bioavailable plant nutrient that combines calcium with amino acids and natural organic acids through a unique encapsulation process. It effectively prevents and corrects calcium deficiencies while promoting crop growth during critical periods. Non-phytotoxic when used as directed, it can be applied alongside nitrogen fertilizer.

  • OMRI certified organic

  • Bioavailable and biodegradable
  • Quickly corrects calcium deficiencies
  • Rapid leaf uptake and utilization
  • Asparagine and acrylamide-free, non-phytotoxic