Our EcoVision

Building a Greener Future, Together

At Jeden, we’re dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability. We believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting the planet, and we’re committed to doing our part.

We understand that our actions have a significant impact on the environment, and we take this responsibility seriously. That’s why we’re actively working to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize our environmental impact. We’re committed to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our operations, from sourcing materials to waste reduction.

We envision a future where Jeden is a leader in the environmental movement, inspiring others to join us in our mission to protect the planet. By working together, we can make a meaningful difference in preserving our earth for future generations.

Man farming with smart agrifood technology

Empowering California’s Sustainable Future: Programs for Students, Residents, and Businesses

Jeden is actively supporting California’s efforts to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by introducing several discount and educational programs. The aim is to assist residents and businesses in reducing their organic waste to not only meet but also surpass the requirements of SB 1383.

Children planting in paper pots

Jeden is committed to promoting community education as a critical step towards building a sustainable future. Jeden pledges to donate 1% of gross sales to support education programs in California schools and communities.

Reencle Composter on kitchen countertop

A Greener California Program

Under the “A Greener California Program,” residents have access to exclusive discounts on the Reencle Home Composter by using the promo code “EARTH” at checkout.

Partnerships: We are Better Together

Contact us to learn more about Jeden’s sustainability programs and our community partner programs for local municipalities, schools, service clubs, and nonprofit organizations

State of California

Our Responsibility

Senate Bill 1383

SB 1383, a California bill, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change by decreasing organic waste landfill disposal in the state. The goal is to achieve a 75% reduction by 2025, requiring all residents and businesses to recycle organic waste and prohibiting its disposal in landfills. The bill also mandates food donation from certain businesses and promotes education on organic waste management.

As a California-based business, we recognize the importance of SB 1383 in promoting sustainable waste management practices and reducing environmental impact. This legislation requires residents and businesses to divert organic waste to composting facilities, contributing to improved soil health and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

We are proud to stand behind California’s SB 1383 legislation. This commitment has driven us to promote the innovative Reencle Home Composter and Commercial Composters throughout the Golden State. Join us in championing eco-friendly practices and revolutionizing waste management in California.